Category: Expert Opinions
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International networking opportunities. Case study: how to increase the visibility of the interdisciplinary research of a university
In this article, the reader may discover more about how international research networks in the field of Management work. Insights on practices concerning intellectual capital valorization from various universities in Europe are presented. The first part of this study introduces Read more

Some reflections on research and researchers
Without intellectual curiosity, research is pure opportunism. I do not conceive research without intellectual curiosity. Social phenomena, the same as the natural ones, simply exist. Researchers do not produce them. A researcher does research because they wonder why a phenomenon Read more

Positivism in social research
When conducting research, a thorough explanation of the employed methodology must be made to be deemed scientific and subsequently accepted for publication in a journal following a process of (blind) peer review (which is anonymous). There are two types of Read more

On the division of labor in social sciences and interdisciplinarity
In The Division of Labor in Society (2008), Emile Durkheim claims that humanity, as it evolved from a primitive society to an industrial one, underwent shifts ranging from a low to a high division of labor, from social solidarity based on resemblance Read more

Going with the mainstream academic flow?
We observe in universities around the world a general practice to focus professors’ evaluation on the performance of research, despite various critics related to a narrowing of the research interests, increased control of the system by the elite researchers, avoidance Read more

The 5Rs for a Successful Research Approach
Cognitive scientists discovered that a good discussion should not have more than 5 basic ideas. Thus, when young researchers ask me what are the secrets of a successful research project, in business, in publishing valuable papers, or preparing a Ph.D. Read more