Navigating the Future: Insights from Focus Groups on AI Challenges in Education at SNSPA

Introduction: The purpose of the focus groups with SNSPA community regarding the challenges associated with new technologies and AI usage, both ethically and pedagogically, was to facilitate mid- to long-term improvements in the quality assurance mechanisms of teaching and academic ethics at SNSPA. These sessions brought together diverse groups of professors and experts (totaling 28) from all SNSPA structures to delve into the multifaceted topic of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into educational processes.

Main Objectives: The primary objectives of the discussion groups were to explore:

  1. Impact of AI on Teaching and Learning Methods: Understanding how AI reshapes educational methodologies and programs.
  2. Ethical Aspects of AI in Education: Identifying ethical challenges and dilemmas arising from AI integration in educational environments.
  3. Optimizing Educational Processes with Emerging Technologies: Discussing strategies to leverage AI for improving the quality and effectiveness of education.


  1. Impact of AI on Teaching and Learning: Participants expressed diverse opinions on integrating AI technologies into the curriculum, highlighting both potential benefits such as increased teaching efficiency and creativity, and ethical concerns about potential undermining of critical thinking skills. Consensus was reached on the need to adapt teaching methods to efficiently leverage AI tools. The transformative role of AI in reshaping study programs was emphasized, with mentions of regulatory challenges. Discussions also focused on redefining the role of the teacher, emphasizing the future relevance of traditional teaching roles and the need for students to learn how to formulate effective questions for AI tools. The creative use of AI by students in presentations was recognized as enhancing engagement and competitiveness in the classroom, providing concrete perspectives from participants’ experiences.
  2. Ethical Aspects of AI in Education: Participants earnestly addressed ethical considerations related to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, expressing concerns about dependency on AI tools such as chatbots and their impact on the authenticity of students’ work. Discussions highlighted the need for clear ethical guidelines and policies to govern AI usage in educational environments, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach that respects students’ competencies. The discussion also touched on the need for developing adequate technology usage skills, emphasizing the complexity and diversity of ethical dilemmas in AI integration in education.
  3. Strategies for Optimizing Educational Processes through Emerging Technologies: Participants showed a keen interest in optimizing educational processes through artificial intelligence, acknowledging implementation challenges, including resource limitations and differential student access to technology. The group appreciated the revolutionary potential of AI in education but stressed the need for balance between technological progress and human skills, including critical thinking. In the context of preparing for the future, there was an insistence on the inevitability of technological progress and the need for adaptation, as well as concerns about the rapid pace of changes and preparing students for them. Balancing technology and human skills was highlighted as essential, mentioning the importance of theoretical coherence in study programs. A significant theme was the need to address the digital divide and ensure equitable access to AI technologies, recognizing educational gaps and the lack of basic infrastructure. Participant quotes reflected concerns about the future of education and the need to adapt to changes brought about by AI, highlighting the complexity and interconnectedness of the discussed issues.

Key Perspectives and Future Strategies: Discussions on the future of AI in education revealed several key perspectives and future strategies, shaping a multi-faceted picture of the current landscape and future prospects:

  1. Balanced Integration of AI: Discussions emphasized the need for a balanced approach to AI integration in education. While recognizing the transformative potential of AI in improving teaching methods and learning experiences, participants also emphasized the need to maintain the integrity of educational practices and the critical role of educators.
  2. Ethical Considerations are Paramount: Ethical considerations emerged as a central theme, with participants expressing concern about data privacy, student autonomy, and potential misuse of AI tools. Discussions called for the development of clear ethical guidelines and policies to address these challenges.
  3. Embracing Change while Preserving Core Values: The discussion group underscored the importance of adapting to technological advances without losing sight of the core values of education—critical thinking, creativity, and human interaction. Participants advocated for a strategic and thoughtful integration of artificial intelligence that complements, rather than replaces, human expertise.
  4. Need for Continuous Dialogue and Research: The diversity of viewpoints expressed in the discussion group signifies the need for continuous dialogue and research in this field. As AI continues to evolve, so should our understanding and methodologies for its application in educational settings.
  5. Preparing for an AI-Enhanced Future: Looking ahead, it is clear that preparing educators and students for an AI-enhanced future is crucial. This preparation involves not only technological training but also fostering an environment that encourages ethical and critical engagement with AI tools.
  6. Addressing the Digital Divide: Discussions highlighted the need to address the digital divide to ensure equitable access to AI technologies. This includes investments in infrastructure, resources, and policies to reduce gaps and provide all students with opportunities to benefit from AI in education.

Conclusion: As we move forward, it is evident that the integration of AI into education is not a question of “if” but “how.” This endeavor serves as a starting point in this direction, offering valuable perspectives and recommendations for educators, academic decision-makers, and policymakers alike. By adopting a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, we can harness the power of AI to enrich educational experiences while simultaneously upholding the principles of ethical practice, equity, and human-centered learning.

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