Students coping with academic ethics in the digital era

In October 2023, a series of workshops on Academic Ethics in the Digital Era took place in SNSPA, focusing on combating plagiarism and the responsible use of technology, particularly ChatGPT. These workshops drew approximately 200 students from the Faculty of Management, as well as other departments within the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration. The workshops were designed to be inclusive, with some conducted in person at SNSPA and others held online to maximize accessibility for interested students.

The discussions delved into the issue of plagiarism from various perspectives. Definitions, reasons, and types of plagiarism were explored, emphasizing the importance of academic and professional integrity. The detailed presentation of the application highlighted its effectiveness as a tool for detecting unwanted behavior within SNSPA. The use of AI technology, exemplified by ChatGPT, was presented with a focus on the necessity of an ethical approach in its integration into the learning process.

The presentation emphasized Harvard University’s anti-plagiarism rules and provided concrete methods for avoiding plagiarism through direct citation, paraphrasing, and developing one’s own voice. The serious consequences of plagiarism were underscored, promoting the responsible use of technology and educational resources to prevent this behavior in the academic environment.

The interaction was engaging, with students expressing a keen interest in academic ethics within the context of modern technology. Sessions focused on combating plagiarism were well-received, with participants eager to learn effective ways of prevention and detection, as well as explore the correctness of citations in their own work.

Students displayed a particular interest in the use of ChatGPT, actively participating in discussions about proper and responsible integration of this technology into their learning and research processes. Questions raised addressed the limits and benefits of using artificial intelligence in the academic environment. Feedback was positive, with students noting that the workshop helped them better understand the ethical challenges of the digital era and develop practical skills for managing them.

The atmosphere during the workshops was dynamic and interactive, featuring numerous questions and discussions related to plagiarism and proper citation. Participants requested more resources and practical sessions to deepen their knowledge. In the end, these workshops added value to students, increasing their awareness of ethics in the academic environment and preparing them for contemporary technological challenges.

Within the workshops dedicated to students, participants expressed interest in various aspects of plagiarism and the ethical use of AI tools. They demonstrated a heightened curiosity about understanding the methods by which graduation papers are analyzed and checked for plagiarism, as well as elements that could be considered plagiarized and how to avoid such situations.

The atmosphere was relaxed, with participants not just seeking to evade plagiarism detection systems but striving to work ethically and academically correctly. An attractive element was the exploration of famous plagiarism cases throughout history and examples from other universities, showcasing how they addressed issues related to artificial intelligence and its use in paper writing.

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