This paper summarizes a workshop organized as part of the Academic Advance Project on the 22nd of October, 2021, at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA).
The roundtable gathered members of academia to discuss the importance of interdisciplinary research and collaborations, particularly in management. The keynote speakers are well-established researchers from Romania with extensive experience in their field. Both Professor Adriana Zaiț, Ph.D., Head of the Doctoral School of the A. I. Cuza University of Iași, and associate professor Loredana Ivan, Ph.D., from National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, have shared from their first hand experience their opinions on interdisciplinary research collaborations.
The workshop discussions were centered on the following topics:
- The relationships among different terms such as interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity
- Interdisciplinary projects: barriers, issues, solutions
- Criteria for choosing interdisciplinary research collaborators
- Ways to encourage interdisciplinary research
Moderator: Professor Florina Pînzaru, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, dean of the Faculty of Management.