Author: admin-aahub

On student perceptions of teaching quality and evaluation during the pandemic
Within the research associated with the project Academic Excellence: resilience and development of the quality of the didactic activity, a survey was developed to investigate the perceptions of students regarding the quality and evaluation of the didactic activity, academic ethics, Read more

Some lessons learned after the pandemic
Crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic can profoundly perturb socioeconomic activities and human interactions, especially within a serious health risk context. Therefore, opportunities to physically participate in classes, go out, or enjoy meetings with colleagues, friends, and family, can be Read more

The Future of Renewable Energy in the Current Geopolitical Context
The current geopolitical context has clearly pointed to the imperative of finding feasible solutions for renewable energy. Even though this topic has been addressed worldwide over the past years, the war in Ukraine has brought to the fore the critical Read more

Academic Ethics in the Post-Pandemic Context
Academic ethics have always been a pivotal issue when addressing the imperatives of a healthy and integrity-based educational system. Nowadays, probably more than ever, the exigency for ethical conduct is even more compelling as the pandemic has entailed novel discussions Read more

Excellence in Teaching the Business Leaders of Tomorrow
The teaching methods and techniques have dramatically evolved over the past years, a very important role pertaining to the online teaching environment in the context of COVID-19. Various fields have been challenged to adapt and many disciplines have managed to Read more

Teaching after the pandemic
Teaching after the pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic has had a disruptive effect on a global level, and it has transformed the way we work, live, and even the way we interact with each other. The education field was no exception. Read more

The adaptation of didactic processes for the online environment, in the pandemic context
In July 2022, a focus group was held within the SNSPA on how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced teaching activity, respectively the quality of educational processes. This focus group was attended by teaching staff with varying levels of experience from all Read more

Perceptions regarding academic ethics during the pandemic at the level of teaching staff
This brief report summarizes the conclusions of the focus group on the lessons to be learned in the university environment regarding academic integrity following the COVID-19 pandemic organized on July 12, 2022, with teaching staff from all the academic structures Read more