We asked Perplexity.ai to present the most useful AI tools for students, highlighting the associated ethical concerns. Here is the answer, we hope to be food for thought for our students and instructors The three most useful AI tools for Read more

We asked Perplexity.ai to present the most useful AI tools for students, highlighting the associated ethical concerns. Here is the answer, we hope to be food for thought for our students and instructors The three most useful AI tools for Read more
At the present moment, teaching with AI is a controversial issue, still. Some countries and organizational institutions have declared against the use of AI in education. I find this unthinkable. For me, it is like trying to stop the use Read more
Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into higher education can bring numerous benefits and opportunities for the educational and research processes. Here are some solid reasons to include artificial intelligence in university education: – Personalized student experience: AI can analyze and understand Read more
This is an extended abstract of the chapter Artificial Intelligence – from idea to implementation. How AI can reshape the education landscape?, written by Dr. Cătălin Vrabie, for the volume Changing the Game. AI in Education, edited by Alexandra Zbuchea, Read more